Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter everyone! We made some cool lego Easter creations that we would like to show you......

K's Psyco Bunny! (own creation)

A's egg delivering Bunny! (Adapted from instructions)

If you don't have instructions you can find plenty at Brickset. This way you can create unowned sets.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Altina Wildlife Park

We went to Altina Wildlife Park  yesterday. We travelled around on a cart pulled by a Clydesdale named Blue. Here are some of our favourite animals.....                                                   

The Indian Blackbucks......

The Camels......

The Giraffes and.....

The Ostriches
We had a fantastic time !!! (K)
(pics by Mum!!!)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


This is what we have done in the Holidays......hanging around and being

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Soda Can Robug

We like the Green Science website at
This is one of their cool creations - the Soda Can Robug

This Robug jitters around the floor making lot of noise.  We will blog about our other creations from Green Science soon!  (K)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lego City Comic

We made a comic using this  Lego City website

It is really cool - you can choose backgrounds, people, vehicles and add text.

I personally like the last picture
(Thanks FSS for sending us this link - It was great fun!!!)


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rubik's Cube

Rubik's cubes put your mind in a twist...
Here is our collection...

Check out the official rubik's site. This video of Feliks Zemdegs official world record in cube solving.

Man he is fast!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011


My Model
DONNY   by A
Michel Keck does some fabulous dog collages.
 I gave it a go. You can find her Art here

Sunday, April 3, 2011


If you haven't tried cubee-craft you really need to give it a shot. You will find some great stuff here

These are some of our test runs.....

Enjoy ;)

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Moofus is absolutely AWESOME! He is only 13...... check out his art here

I tried my hand at his style. Here it is.....

"Lighthouse at Yamba"  by K


We absolutely loooooove LEGO....

Lunch Break

"Stick 'em Up"   

These are a couple pics we took of some of our favourite lego characters.
We were inspired by "A Lego A Day" blog.......
Check it is mad!!!


Welcome to our new blog. Here we will review and explore all the amazing things that inspire us.
Enjoy :)